It was a pleasure to participate in the workshop hosted by Anatune, a Cambridge based analytical chemistry equipment provider. Continue reading “Aroma workshop with Anatune”
Hibernation is over
We are very aware that there have been no news from us for a while. Fortunately the winter hibernation is now over and we will resume regular updates.
Our tech offer is live EU-wide

Finding partners is never an easy process be it live partner, business partner or an investor. Our advisor in Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) suggested placing information about our technology on EEN data base with reach to thousands partners. After a fair amount of time spent on drafting our offer went live this week: LINK.
Working with LEP network
Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP) aim to drive economic growth and the creation of local jobs. There are 39 LEPs in England each having their own local objectives. LEP network website will help to find your local partnership.
Continue reading “Working with LEP network”
We presented on bio-tech conference
Thank you Jim from ICNPB and Izzy from Aurora Consultancy for an opportunity to share our vision and dreams at the conference.
Aurora Consultancy is a circular economy advocate. They help companies at any stage of development to implement thinking on sustainability and circular economy into their business model. Aurora also is a delivery partner for Climate KIC programme. Continue reading “We presented on bio-tech conference”
Working with Knowledge Transfer Network
When we first contacted Innovate UK to get an advice on potential funding for our project they gave us contacts of the Knowledge Transfer Network. KTN links new ideas and opportunities with expertise, markets and finance through their network of businesses, universities, funders and investors. The very next week we were on a long phone call with KTN discussing funding and networking opportunities for an innovation start-up both in UK and EU. We found this relationship extremely fruitful and pivotal on our journey to what we hope will be a successful innovation.
Meet us at ICNPB 2017 in Aberdeen 25-26 September

We are happy to take part in Natural Product Biotechnology conference this year. It was fortunate that our Knowledge Transfer Network contact made us aware about this conference and there was a space for another participant. The conference is organised as a part of bigger academic joint conference between The International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) and International Conference on the Mechanism of Action of Nutraceuticals (ICMAN).
Continue reading “Meet us at ICNPB 2017 in Aberdeen 25-26 September”
Working with Enterprise Europe Network
Nova Extraction started working with the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) an organisation founded by the European Commission to help small businesses to innovate and succeed in the EU marketplace. This is a great opportunity to work with the largest European information and consultancy network. Our intention to contribute to EEN and to benefit from their experience, be sure to check out the global app development rates.
HR at my enterprise has decided to email copies of paystubs to all employees with direct deposit. The stub has the employee’s name, address, and the last four digits of his or her Social Security number, along with pay information to making employees view paystubs. As the security manager, they’ve asked me whether this violates any data privacy regulations, and, if so, how to amend the process to comply with those regulations. Does this violate any regulations? If so, do you have any advice on how to create a system like this that complies?
To the best of my knowledge, this doesn’t violate any existing or forthcoming regulations. It’s important, of course, to double-check with corporate attorneys.
That being said, take some time to understand how the emails are being generated and whether the system that sends them has full Social Security numbers (SSNs) stored in it. If it does, find out how those numbers are being stored (encrypted, hashed, etc.).
There are also several other important questions to ask. For example: How is the payroll data moved to whatever system generates the email, and who has access to that system? Is the data encrypted in transmission? Is this part of an outsourced function or is it all being done in-house? If in-house, is the system being properly patched and maintained? If outsourced, what are the provider’s processes and procedures for maintaining the security of the data, including patching and configuration management, as well as how this data is segmented from other customers? This may seem like a lot of questions, but the security of the data is worth it in the long run, so don’t be shy about sharing any concerns with the payroll system architects.
Search Engine tactics
Stay on top of your SEO strategy and make sure that it is up to date.

What does a search engine ranking text provide?
Before we dive into it, it’s important to clarify what a good and a bad SEO text actually does.
An effective SEO text is the primary signal that a website ranks high in search engines (visit to learn all about it). It’s also a factor that Google considers in their algorithm, but if not properly managed, it can ultimately hinder your rankings. Therefore, it’s critical that your text be:
Effective in targeting specific keywords
Standalone no other content on the site should be needed to be ranked well in search engines
Don’t overdo it. Don’t keep all your content on the site, and especially don’t keep duplicate content on the site. This is a major mistake.
This is a major mistake. Memorable Whenever a search engine crawls the page you’re ranking, they’ll instantly know the title, author, and keyword phrase of the page. This may not be instantly obvious, and Google will give it some thought before ranking it. However, this will do little to help with the rank of the site. Memorable words are more than just words with great text capitalization, they also have meaning.
Whenever a search engine crawls the page you’re ranking, they’ll instantly know the title, author, and keyword phrase of the page. This may not be instantly obvious, and Google will give it some thought before ranking it. However, this will do little to help with the rank of the site. Memorable words are more than just words with great text capitalization, they also have meaning. Organized Your text should be structured in a way that is logical, descriptive and easy to understand. If it’s too long, it becomes a problem. Make sure it’s organized and contain a reason why it’s so long. You can use this information to better answer the question of: “Why am I ranking here?”
How to write a good SEO text
Having a great text that ranks well is one thing. However, if you didn’t manage to keep your site organized, your text can lead to a mess. You’ll end up creating as many duplicate pages as possible.